Wednesday, July 25, 2007

There she blows

183 still shows on the scales this morning. I'm wondering why I punish myself by weighing said self 2 or 3 times a day since I only go off of the firstthinginthemorningbladderdrainedcough weight. I did manage to take a big ole shit yesterday morning - it felt good and was about the size of an arm. Took another one this morning and I swear that the women of this company must've been on the same schedule because there were 4 of us in there taking a dump at the same time. You can always tell when a woman needs to shit and has company - she will always pee and then just sit there until everyone else leaves to release that shit.

Not me - I shat and got the shat out of there.

Currently have consumed 896 calories and 35 grams of fiber so am hoping to get some more of this stuff out of my system tonight. Sure would like to see the scales inch their way back South. I got in another 2.4 miles on the treadmill at lunch and will try to fit in another 2 or so tonight. Didn't walk last night partly because my knee was swollen and partly because I was feeling like a slug and was just so tired. I think it is all in my mind though so I'm going to think that I'm NOT tired tonight to see if that gets me anywhere.

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