Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ok, lets fire this little puppy back up and see what we (we being I, of course) can do about finally getting this weight-loss thangie going again and finally loose those pesky little pounds

all 40.5 of them!

New neat little Ticker Tracker at the top = my goal is to do 100 miles in 45 days, which amounts to about 2.22222222222222 miles a day and is totally doable (is that REALLY a word or should it be do-able). In reality I plan on walking about 4 miles a day, most days, but did NOT really want to see 200 miles in 45 days in black and white on this blog. I totally understand that I might not be able to get in 4 miles on some days or even walk at all as travel plans are in the works right now but still wanted to put a goal out there and then just track my mileage to see how many miles I CAN walk in 45 days . . .

Then see if I can beat it the next 45 days!

Even if it is only by a mile or two.

I did 2.2 at lunch today, because this neat little company I work for sponsors my membership to the gym and just so happens to conveniently be located right across the street from the durn thing. I can guarantee at least 2 miles during lunch - most days and that just leaves me having to fit in 2 more either early morning or late evening. I also need to clean up the spare room, move things around, because right now the tread on my mill is folded up and against the wall and there isn't enough room to move it out so I can fold it down and utilize it for something other than a extremely expensive clothes rack or dust-gatherer.

I would like to get back into running and am seriously considering doing the Lukes Lockeroom thangie so that I will be on a "program" and accountable because apparently the motivation to do this myself has just flown the coop. We recently purchased and moved into a house in another city and there is a Bikram Yoga place by my new house that I'm looking into. The durn thing cost about $139 a month and that is their discount fee IF you have it set up as Auto Debit - un-Auto debit (meaning cash or check) is $170 (the bastards!!!!!) and we really need to adjust to the increase in $$$$$ for the house payment before I go saying that I need $200 a month for yoga. So right now will just concentrate on the walking 100 miles in 45 days (or less) and look back into the yoga thing in a couple of months - maybe I will ask for a month for my birthday from the Mr., my parents and his parents so that will give me at least 3 months worth of yoga.

Eating really isn't bad as I don't drink soft-drinks of any kind and don't use sugar in my tea or coffee or eat sweets. Have lots of veggies and fruit so really don't feel like I need to adjust the eating right now maybe just do a bit of tweaking to it. Really I just need to get my fluffy ass up off the couch and moving.

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