Monday, July 30, 2007

Hop! Skip! and a Jump!

Hopped over to the gym for lunch today and managed to get in 20 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes lifting weights. I broke it up by walking 10 minutes then lifting weights (2 circuits) then went back to the treadmill for another 10 minutes at a 3.7 mph pace just to shake things out. My arms and legs are shaky now and I have a slight headache but suspect that it is due to the old body adjusting to the no carbs/alcohol/sugar today rather than the exercising.

Didn't see a drop on the scales this morning but really didn't expect one since I certainly DIDN'T behave at all this weekend and drank about 50 beers (not really but it felt like it). I'm going to have to do doubletime now in order to make up for the indulgence but it was worth it and fun times were had by all. I laughed so much that my stomach still hurts. I can probably just hop on the treadmill again tonight for another 2.5 throw in some gardening in the mix then get up and hit the trail again tomorrow morning along with the usual fixing of dinner and doing laundry that is a nightly occurance and everything should be just fine. My rings and bra are looser today so all of the walking around and chasing of the 3 yr old I did this weekend along with all of the trips up and down the 4 stairs getting into and out of the RV and the 3 stairs that lead up to the bathroom inside the RV probably helped offset some of the damage.

Really hoping to drop down into the 170sompthin this week so might just have to "bust a nut" the rest of the week in order to move this along.

Currently have consumed 915 calories with 33 grams of fiber

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