Saturday, January 14, 2006

Tag You're It!

I've been tagged!!

Hilly has tagged me on her site and I have to answer these questions and as a reward, I get to tag 4 other unsuspecting bloggers or blogettes. Here goes!

Four jobs you have had in your life:
Technical Analyst
Contract Manager
Long John Silver's Cashier
Human Resourses Recruiter

Four movies you could watch over and over:
Blazing Saddles
Fried Green Tomatoes
anything with Vin Diesel in it.

Four TV shows you love to watch:
I'm at a HUGE loss here because I don't really watch T.V. but probably anything on the FoodNetwork would do.

Places you've been on vacation:
Los Angeles
Las Vegas

Four of your favorite foods:

Four places you'd rather be right now:
The Farm
Port Aransas, TX
My Hot tub

Four sites I visit daily:
The Food Whore
Waiter Rant
Fat Man

Four people I will tag
Well I don't know 4 people on here and am not sure anyone reads this anyways so if you want to tag yourself go ahead!


JessiferSeabs said...

FYI - I read yoU!

JessiferSeabs said...

PS: Just read your post from the other day about going to PF Changs.

They actually have a lot of great options - brown rice, for one thing...

I always get the Cantonese Shrimp and brown rice. The entire shrimp dish is only 7 points and the brown rice is 4 per cup. 11 points total.

Luckily, my family is not into appetizers so I can usually avoid the egg rolls and other yummies (chinese food is a major weakness of mine, duh, just like everybody else)...

Cantonese Shrimp is your friend (and it's also really good, so I never feel deprived).


I can't fit said...

Hilly - The Captain mixed with Pineapple just is the bomb!

I can't fit said...

jessiferseabs & Hilly - I really appreciate your suggestions the thing is that I'm not on Weight Watchers so my "I Don't Want to be Fat anymore Food Plan" is a little more restrictive. Rice can only be eaten in very small quantities.

What I'm looking at is restricting my calories to 1200 a day so I figured that allowing about 500 calories for dinner that night will do. The Buddah's Feast Steamed contains about 200 calories with 1.5 grams of fat and since I can't eat the whole thing that should allow me to cheat and nibble on 1 appetizer if I want. Or I can do the Budah's Feast Stir-Fried which contains 370 calories and 7 grams of fat and forgo the appetizer.