Monday, January 23, 2006

Something Lost and Something Found!

PF Changs wasn’t so bad after all. Knowing that we were going to PF Chang’s Saturday night and that I probably wouldn’t behave on the food front I got up Saturday morning and did some spring cleaning. Hey spring cleaning equals exercise. We had reservations at 8 pm which is later than I like to eat but I was busy Saturday and figured that I had burnt enough calories to afford it. I did splurge and had 1 dumpling, 1 lettuce wrap and then settled down for my Buddah’s Feast steamed. It was just a big bowl of steamed veggies and I did allow myself a couple of beers. I haven’t had any alcohol for 2 weeks and when we decided to go bowling afterwards I figured that any empty calories from the beers would be burnt off bowling.

Then Sunday morning, feeling guilty for the dumpling and beers, I got up and cleaned up the kitchen, washroom and dining room including moving out the fridge, washer and dryer and chasing any and all dust bunnies that were behind/under them. I also cleaned out and vacuumed my truck then my middle son and I went to the mall. I asked him to walk 1 turn around the mall with me first before we went shopping so we did. Then we started back at where we entered and went into almost every store. All in all we walked about 2 hours so I figured it was more calories burnt there.

Last night, while lying down, I thought that I felt my hip bones. I had lost them years ago and forgot what they felt like so when I put my hand on my hip and felt a bone I wasn’t certain that it actually was MY hip bone and not something in my pocket. This morning I checked again and YEP it was definitely a hip bone that I felt. I tried on a pair of black pants that haven’t fit for 3 or 4 years and was able to get them buttoned so I wore them to work today. They are a little tight in the waist (not butt) but I was just happy that I actually could get them buttoned because prior to today the buttons didn’t even remotely approach each other when I tried them on. It was a Grand Canyon between the button and button hole.

When I hopped on the scales this morning I had lost a pound over the weekend which really surprised me since I hadn’t behaved and had 2 slices of pizza for lunch Sunday along with the dumpling and beers Saturday night. I did make rather yummy veggie lasagna for my dinner Sunday night which will also double as lunch for the next couple of days. I used the whole wheat lasagna noodles that are enriched, some no sugar added pasta sauce, a whole bag of spinach, 1 zucchini (sliced) and instead of ricotta cheese I used 1 block of tofu and 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese then I sprinkled about ¼ cup of real parmesan cheese on top for flavor. Don’t know the nutritional value of this but it was rather yummy and I figured the only fat was the tablespoon of Olive Oil I used to sauté the onion and garlic in and the ¼ cup of parmesan cheese. Plus all the fiber in the pasta, spinach and zucchini should help move stuff through my system faster.

So for now I lost a pound and found some hip bones. If anyone has lost their hip bones please contact me as I’m still not sure that they are mine.


Crystal said...

Wow sounds like you had a pretty good NSV weekend. Congrats on the pants fitting and being able to feel your hip bones.

The veggie lasagna sounds really good, I might have to try making it sometime this week.

I can't fit said...

crackmonkee - thanks and the veggie lasagna is very good.

Lynne said...

Yay! Hip bones! That's so exciting!

The veggie lasagna that you made sounds so good! I love any kind of food that you can make a lot of and then eat for days. (because I'm lazy :)

Critter said...

I don't even think I have hip bones:) Damn now I want some Veggie Lasagna.

I can't fit said...

Lynne - I like leftovers too because I think they taste better the next day.

Lynne said...

I agree, leftovers are better the next day! It's like the food has time to soak up other flavors, making good food great food. I think pastas are probably the best leftover food although next day pizza is pretty darn good. :)

I can't fit said...

Hilly - I'll sell them to you - cheap (hehe)