Wednesday, December 21, 2005


There is nothing new to report on the weight loss endeavor. I haven’t been exercising or eating right and while there hasn’t been any gained there hasn’t been any lost either. Plus I’m due to receive my Aunt Flow either tonight or tomorrow morning so the lack of weight loss isn’t exactly a surprise. My body is telling me to just eat everything in sight but my brain is saying “No, No, have the carrot sticks instead” – damn brain why does it have to go and be all logical about stuff? Whose brain is this anyway?

The Holiday time (there that should piss off the Christians) is extremely busy and every night there is something to do. Haven’t wrapped any Christmas presents so that is on the plate tonight instead of the Chocolate covered almonds that want to be on the plate. Plus we started a slight remodel of the main bathroom and the wallpaper needs to jump itself on the walls sometime between now and Saturday night. How smart was that to start a remodel and then invite 20 relatives and friends over for Christmas Eve? Where was my brain then – Huh??? Huh???

Oh I see – it can advise me to eat the carrot sticks but left the room when the whole remodel discussion was going on. That’s it! I’m firing my brain.

I want a new brain for Christmas to go with that miracle wrapped in a gold bow!

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