Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fluffy Marshmallow Butts!

Wow – got on the scales this morning and realized that there has been a 6 lb loss in Peanut Butter & Jelloland since starting this weight loss blog on December 2nd and most of it came off my boobs. I really think the accountability has helped – or at least it has made me conscious of what I’m putting into my mouth because I know that I will have to record a weight gain here. Since I’m an overachiever and very competitive I don’t want to have to do that and every time I take a bite of something (or want to) I think about this blog.

For some reason this Holiday season feels different. I decided, a while back, that I wasn’t going to forbid myself anything, just that I would make smarter choices (like cutting a piece of pie in half). If I wanted a piece of fudge then I ate a piece and I even had a piece of pecan pie without feeling guilty about it (my dad makes the most killer pecan pies). The significant thing is that I sat on the floor and shared it with my daughter, whereas in the past I would’ve sucked the whole piece down and eyed the pan to see if I could sneak another piece. I guess that I didn’t feel like this was the last piece of (insert your forbidden food of choice here) that I would ever have and just knowing that I could go get another piece if I wanted. It is a change of mindset. It also makes me wonder exactly why I’ve felt like some foods are forbidden – who started that trend? Was it me or someone else or a combination of the two?

The other thing that helped is that we made Fajitas for our Christmas celebration, instead of the traditional turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, etc… (i.e. fattening stuff with fluffy marshmallows and lots of butter that more closely matches my fluffy ass). The serving of Fajitas was much, much easier than fixing the other stuff and by skipping the tortilla, sour cream and guacamole I was able to consume only grilled chicken, beef with bell peppers and onions so don’t really feel like I consumed too many calories. The family loved it too since everyone is pretty much burnt out on Turkey and Ham by now. We had people arriving for about 4 hours so was able to cook the meat and veggies ahead of time and put them in a warming tray on the counter and let people serve themselves whenever they arrived. This also allowed us to play gracious host/hostess instead of Mr. & Mrs. Chef as in “don’t talk to me I’m in the kitchen cooking and the last thing I need is another WARM body in here – CAN SOMEOME BRING ME A COLD BEER?”

Part of me is really surprised at the weight loss. I realize that it is always easier to lose weight at first (i.e. “water weight”) and that it will slow down or cease with what I’m currently doing and that I will have to up the ante in order to reach my goal. In other news my cousin, who is 1 month older than I, came over Thursday night and the bitch weighs 126 lbs – I hate her! Not really, actually I’m jealous of both her weight and the fact that she got some new boobies that are all perky and firm. I know this because she let me play with them and not in a perverted way.

I also bought my daughter a wagon, which seats 2, for Christmas with the grandiose plans of her momma actually getting off her fluffy butt and pulling the darling child around the neighborhood. She weighs 24 lbs so if we stuff toys in the other seat I should be able to get quite the workout. The nice thing is that the weather was 71 here yesterday and since we have leftover fajitas to eat for dinner tonight I plan on pulling her around for 30 minutes when we get home.

I hope everyone had the Celebration of their wishing and got everything their hearts desired.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss - especially during the holidays! - that is awesome.

I can't fit said...

truhope - do you have a blog?

Oh - and thanks - not exactly sure how I managed to lose weight instead of gain it.

I can't fit said...

I know - the loss surprised me very much.

I think what happened is that things were so busy that I didn't eat or rather forgot to eat and when I did I tried to behave somewhat.

Either way - I'm sure it is just a fluke.

Crystal said...

Congrats on the loss :)

I'm gonna have to suggest fajitas for next years Christmas...great idea and well I love fajitas haha

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog. I've considered creating one...but I just haven't taken that leap yet. Maybe in the new year...

I can't fit said...

Crackmonkee - thanks for stopping by.

The fajitas worked out well in not having to deal with all the messy dishes as well as keeping me from stuffing my self on, well, on stuffing and mashed potatoes.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the pounds gone! Not an easy time of year to get started, and you seem to be heading the right direction! Keep up the great work!

Critter said...

I know exactly what you mean about the forbidden foods. Why do we always think that this will be the last (cookie, burger, cake,) that we will have?!?!