Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Got 9 miles in yesterday.

Not all at once but over the course of the day in 2 mile or 2.5 mile chunks so figured that I ramped up the ole metabolism 4 different times yesterday for a total of about an hour and a half worth of cardio. My hamstrings are tight today and I'm a bit sore but it is a good kind of sore not a hurt kind of sore. I was playing games while on the treadmill and kept bumping up the incline every minute then when I couldn't take it anymore I finished out that minute then started bumping it back down. Then a seperate time I was on the treadmill I ramped it up to 5.3 mph and ran that for 4 minutes then took it back down to 4.3 for 3 minutes, lather, rinse, repeat until the 2.5 miles were done. Was sweating like a pig when I got finished and the heart rate monitor said that my pulse was up to 178 but that is what showers are for.

Today is 5 miles plus weights and I'm also thinking about adding some free weights with arm exercises on Saturday since I'm planning on running both days.

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