Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Weigh Me

I’ve decided to stop weighing every damn day and just go to a once a week weigh-in. I’m going to weigh myself on Fridays and was it ever hard to NOT jump on that scale this morning. When I was making the coffee it was mocking me – taunting me to “just step on aboard before you have that sip of coffee”. I tried to ignore it but the voices inside my head kept getting louder and louder so I went over and removed the battery out of the scale and put it in a drawer in another part of the house just to shut it up. Sure hope I can remember where I put it when I go to weigh Friday as I’ve been known to forget where my keys are when they are in my hand.

I did hop on the treadmill last night for a 2 mile run and hated every damn last minute of it. I was bitching and groaning in my mind the whole time but had set it up to run for 2 miles so I did. Then when I hopped off of it I fixed dinner – well actually I threw together my part of it which was the salad and we ate. I vacuumed the house because people were in and out during the Super Bowl party Sunday and “stuff” got tracked into the house. After that I flopped down on the floor to do my leg lifts. My youngest thinks that if you get down on her level that you become her own personal jungle gym so she straddled my waist and wallowed around on me the whole time. Talk about making it difficult to do leg lifts – it was tough with a 25 lb squirming baby riding my waist like I was a pony.

The thing I noticed is that afterwards – after the running – I felt much better and even though I had been tired all day I felt energized. I got to bed late Sunday night and the little one cried out at about 3 am so I got up and rocked her back to sleep and it felt like my head had just hit the pillow when the alarm went off at 5 am. Talk about major draggin ass – I had it major yesterday and just wanted to crawl under my desk and take a nap but figured the boss wouldn’t really like that so I refrained. Figured that I would just go to bed early but after running I felt awake and actually had some energy so I got some stuff done around the house. This just emphasizes to me how important it is that I exercise because even though I’m using up more energy it seems that I have more energy than I do when I don’t exercise.

The only day I might not be able to run is Friday because my middle son has Regions Friday night (after school) and you never know how long they will last. I’m thinking about running 2.5 miles Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday to make up for the 2 miles I might not be able to run Friday. Then if I get home in time and am able to get on the treadmill the extra .5 from Wednesday and Thursday can just be added to the weekly total. I’m trying real hard to plan out this exercise and make it a focus point in my life. I’m also thinking about adding an upper body workout 3 days a week because I have 5, 10 & 20 lb free weights at home. I will just have to use some of that “extra” energy from tonight’s run to lift some weights after the baby goes to sleep as I really don’t want to bonk her in the head with a 5 lb weight.

Oh yeah – the chicken last night was excellent so here is what it was marinated in:
4 chicken breast
4 cups of water
2 Tablespoons Kosher Salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 Tablespoon cloves
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon celery seeds
4 Clementine’s, cut in half squeeze the juice then just add the juice and the squeezed Clementine to the marinade.

It marinated for about 24 hours and the chicken was very tender and juicy and you could taste the clove and Clementine. The Mister grilled the chicken and some asparagus but I could see reducing the water to 3 cups and then cooking the marinade down on the stove. Maybe adding some cornstarch to thicken it up and serving the chicken over rice with the reduced marinade as a sauce poured over the top sometime in the future.


Krista said...

Good for you for sticking to the running! I set up an appointment with a personal trainer to get me on track.

Leg lifts with baby. I know exactly what you mean. Have you ever tried to do yoga with kids? Same problem. How old is your baby?

I can't fit said...

Krista - Yes it is working out better now that I have the running "scheduled".

My youngest will be 20 months old next Thursday and she stays "stuck up my butt" no matter what I'm doing. Sometimes I even cook dinner with her on 1 hip because she is so nosey and NEEDS to see what I'm doing.

I've notice that we are the same for starting weight and goal weight and that we both have younguns.

Krista said...

Looks like we have a lot in common.

My daughter just hit 22 months and has the same "stuck up my butt" syndrome as yours. I also have a 4 year old son. I've finally convinced him that he's too big for me to pick up.

I only weigh in once a week too. Otherwise I stress about every fluctuation (though occasionally I peek). I find that it takes a week or two for my weight to reflect what I'm doing (i.e. changes in eating, exercise) so there's no point in looking daily.

I can't fit said...

Hillster - I wasn’t experiencing fluctuations it was just that the drama of hopping on the scale everyday only to see NO change AT ALL was really starting to wear on me. When I looked back I saw that I was losing about 1.5 lbs a week so that is why I decided to weigh only once a week instead of driving myself crazy weighing every day – but damn it is hard.

Once a month – hmmmmmm wonder if I could actually go that long in between weigh-ins – please let me know how it works out for you.

Krista – I have 3 kids, 2 boys and the youngest who is the Princess. Actually I read something else on your site that your pre-pregnancy weight was 175 and had to chuckle to myself because that was my pre-pregnancy weight as well.