Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mind Games

I’ve been having some rather weird random thoughts lately about weight loss endeavors. Well that’s not entirely true as pretty much ALL of my thoughts are weird. Here are the ones I remember:

1. Wonder how much weight I could lose if I cut my hair (my hair is thick and long)?
2. If I eat that chocolate cake and then take some ex-lax does it negate the calories from the cake?
3. Should I pay cash for that Ex-Lax so that it doesn’t pop up in someone’s database that I’m abusing Ex-Lax?
4. Am I cheating by weighing first thing in the morning (neked) when years ago I used to weigh right before working out which was right after dinner fully dressed?
5. Should I try a weight loss patch or pill?
6. Wonder if I could lie and get my insurance to cover lap-banding?

Ok, before anyone panics and calls me rude names the lap-banding is definitely out of the question. I’m afraid of needles and going under the knife is not something I could do. Plus I think that with only 41 lbs to lose it would be the chicken way out. Before you start throwing knives at me just let me say that I think lap-banding has a place in this world and should definitely be an available option for people who are morbidly obese or who have been overweight all of their life. The thing is that while I’m fat I haven’t always been fat and I know what it feels like to not be fat and exactly what I need to do (besides the “I Don’t Want To Be Fat Anymore” food plan).


I need to exercise and frankly (no my name isn’t Frank) I haven’t been exercising like I should. Yeah, yeah the 60 leg lifts I did last night count but cardio is what I really need. My excuses are (and YES they are just that excuses)
1. My iPod broke.
2. My treadmill has a lose screw on one side and is rather shaky when I grab the hand thangie.
3. I have a small child at home and after I wrestle her to sleep it is usually 9pm
4. blah, blah, blah!

The thing is that a blogger friend of mine called and wants me to join her and a bunch of other blogger friends for a Holiday at the end of April. At the beach. I actually sat down and figured that losing a lb a week I could lose an additional 12 lbs before I go. 12 lbs would put me down to 169 which is entirely acceptable but I also know that if I got this big, fat, old, lazy butt of mine in gear I probably could lose an additional 24 lbs before the end of April.

Maybe this is the motivation that I needed.

Oh yeah – the green tea thing from yesterday’s post – not doing that anymore as it royally fucked up my bladder. I thought I was ovulating x10 and peed about 14 times just to relieve the pressure. Didn’t drink any green tea last night and felt fine. Then this morning I had a cup of green tea and about an hour later the whole pain of passing my left ovary out of my body started happening again.

Weird stuff I’m telling you!


Crystal said...

That is really odd that the tea did that to you, was it decaf stuff? Hmmm...

runny_yolk said...

Hmm good questions...

I can't fit said...

Crackmonkee - actually I'm calling the Doctor today because the pain persisted through the night and I haven't had any more green tea so I'm pretty sure it wasn't the tea. I was drinking the caffinated stuff but green tea doesn't have as much caffine as black tea.

Here's a thought - maybe I have a cyst or tumor and can lose some more weight when they remove it (just kidding - sort of).

Anonymous said...

Well I was going to say thanks for the warning on the green tea, but now I hear that might not be the problem. I hope it was, and that you are fine by now. Take care and good luck with the weight loss!