Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Scary Stuff

I quit my job yesterday.

Yep - you read that right. After being with this company for almost 14 years I got offered a job with another company so I resigned. Friday, March 3rd is my last day here and I have mixed emotions about it.

Food wise – well I don’t really know what to say as I haven’t been eating right but then again I have had a sinus infection for a week now so I haven’t really been eating. Sinus medication really kills the appetite – either that or all the snot dripping down into my stomach is making me feel full. I haven’t exercised a lick but I also haven’t gained or lost any poundage.

The next 2 weeks will be rather full as I’m training people how to use one of our systems and also trying to document everything I do in detail for whichever poor soul gets this job after me.

The good news is that the new company I’m going to work for pays for their employee’s gym membership and the gym is right across the street from the building so I should be able to clock in 2 miles during my lunch hour – and I actually get an hour for lunch to do so. I’m really looking forward to adding exercise as a routine into my lunch hour and this woman is all about routines.

I hope everyone here is doing well and I will be stopping by to check in on ya’ll.


Krista said...

Congratulations on the new job! I can't imagine how scary it must be to leave one after 14 years.

I have a gym at work and makes it so much easier to exercise. I usually go in the morning and then shower and get ready for work there.
I hope your sinus infection clears up.

Looks like we're making about the same progress on our weight loss too. Here's to a big loss next week for both of us!

I can't fit said...

Krista - thanks - it is scary.

I'm so looking forward to the gym and the ability to work out during the day.

Yeah to big loss next week

I can't fit said...

Hilly - I interviewed with them last Thursday - all day (was there 8 hours) and they called me before 10 am Friday to offer me the job.

It looks to be very promising and exciting.

Crystal said...

Congratulation on the new job!!!

Krista said...

Where'd you go? Hope everything is going well with the new job.

Anonymous said...

We miss you - and want to hear about the new job.