Friday, January 13, 2006

Blunder Girl!

A good friend called yesterday. I haven’t seen her in about a year or so. She wanted to meet me for dinner, I said yes but then the panic set in. I’ve been trying so hard this week and have actually consumed less than the 1200-calorie a day “I Don’t Want to be Fat Anymore Diet” that I’m on. Not much less but since I’m already full from dinner I have skipped my evening snack. She suggested “Sardines” an Italian restaurant locally. More panic, stomach sinks and heavy breathing starts – does an Italian restaurant actually have ANYTHING on their menu that I can eat. I googled them and they didn’t have a website or menu that I could peruse ahead of time.

Oh Hell!

So I just decided that one day wouldn’t hurt me and I went. It bothered me all night. It was what I was thinking about while trying to catch up on her life and family – in the back of my mind, rolling around, was “You blew it buster”. Got home rather late 9:30, which was way too late to exercise since my wake-up call comes at 5:00 in the morning. I went ahead and packed my breakfast, lunch and snack for today and hopped in bed at 10:30 for a quick roll in the hay with the Mr. and I mean quick. Does that count as exercise?

It woke me up several times worrying about the extra calories that I had consumed and the thought of that spaghetti just settling itself right down on my hips was agonizing. I hopped on the scales this morning to see exactly what the total damage was and was rather surprised when the scales said the exact same thing they said yesterday. Well, not that my scales actually talk, but at least they can read. Then when I got to work I subtracted out the dinner I was SUPPOSED to eat and added in the dinner actually consumed and again was surprised to see that I only ate 1300 calories yesterday. Figured it would be much more then that. I had the Veal Marsala and a side of spaghetti but did leave about 1/3 of it on the plate. Not because I wasn’t hungry but because I was just too damn busy flappin my jaws to shovel food in. I figured out that I could just skip snack again tonight to make up those lousy 100 calories that were indulged in yesterday.

Oh, yeah and I bought a pack of cigarettes on my way home last night. When we were done eating and I got into my car I had a message from the Mr. saying that we needed milk so I’m totally blaming this one on him because if I hadn’t stopped for milk I wouldn’t have bought cigarettes. Actually, that is a bald faced lie; I probably would’ve bought them today. That whole thing about people gaining 10 lbs when they stop smoking is rolling around in this old noggin along with last night’s blunder which will probably still turn into blubber.


Lynne said...

Don't be too hard on yourself, congrats to you that you did so well in that situation! Leaving 1/3 on the plate is good. Hey, it could have gone the other way ending with you licking your plate and ordering dessert! Eating in a social setting is definitely a test and I think you did well.

I can't fit said...

Well - usually I would have finished the plate, licked it, eaten dessert and then my friend's dessert so I guess it could've been worse.


I can't fit said...

Hilly - I wanted to miss because I wasn't sure that I could handle the whole stress of the situation being in the first week of dieting.

I'm scared to quit because I'm scared to gain.