Monday, September 24, 2007


173 - ok that puts me just 3 lbs away from being 170 and I'm wondering, since it is a goal to reach 170 by the first of October, if I can manage to lose 3 lbs in 1 measly week. I think I'm going to try something - I'm finally going to start the 2-a-days for the next 2 weeks just to see how much of a difference it will make. The schedule will be 5 miles on Monday, Wednesday & Friday along with weights on Mon & Wed and Yoga on Friday and 7 miles on Tuesday & Thursday. The 2-a-days will consist of 4 miles in the morning (or evening since I didn't manage to get up and run this morning) and then 1 mile on the weight lifting days to warm up and another 3 miles at lunch on Tues & Thurs. Not really going to worry about weekends since, while I don't run I also don't sit down with chasing a 3 yr old and housework.

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