Thursday, December 29, 2005

Watch For Falling Fat Lady!

Can fidgeting be considered a form of exercise? I sure hope so because that is all I’ve managed to accomplish for a couple of days now. That and twiddling my thumbs up my ass - which is only done for the pure pleasure thereof and not for the exercise factor. Actually I have this saying stuck in the back of my mind that goes “A body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest”. My brain tells me that since I have to sit at a desk all day at least with the fidgeting I’m moving some. Flawed reasoning at best but it makes me wonder just how many calories you can burn in an hour by fidgeting, probably not as much as I could burn in an hour walking on the treadmill.

Then there was that piece of pecan pie I ate last night right before bedtime. It was dancing around on the counter just screaming out my name so being the nice person that I am – I ate him. **Insert “damn mother-in-law for leaving the damn thing in the damn first place” here** Enjoyed every list sinful bite and considered chasing the crumbs around with my wet finger and licking the gooey stuff off of the plate when I was done but didn’t. I let the cat lick the gooey stuff instead – who said cats don’t have a sweet tooth? While picking up the kitchen it hit me – I ate that pie and I wasn’t even hungry. Now why in the hell did I do that? Do you people realize just how many empty calories were contained in that piece of pecan pie? Of course you do and so do I! Right before bedtime no less.

Someone should spank me!

The thing is that even after eating that piece of pie and enjoying every last bite I actually felt bad afterwards. Both physically and mentally sick and had a hard time going to sleep because I was beating myself up over such a stupid decision. The question “Why, why, why” kept going around and around in my head because I could’ve saved myself, oh, about 700 calories yesterday by simply not eating when I wasn’t hungry. DUH! This, by the way, will take a little over 2 hours to burn off those 700 calories by briskly walking or about an hour at a 9-minute mile dead run.

The other thing is that after eating that pie my heartburn, that hasn’t bothered me in a couple of weeks, flared back up and I had to consume a couple of those chalky horse pills that subdue the fire in my stomach before going to bed. It is something that has been noticed lately – the less sugar consumed = less heartburn and the chocolate WILL be mourned greatly.

So today it was carrot chips with hummus for breakfast (mostly carrots, easy on the hummus), tofu curry and vegetables over rice for lunch and grilled chicken & salad for dinner AND NO DAMN PECAN PIE!


Anonymous said...

as usual a very funny and thoughtful post.

an interesting fact. when you eat your body secrets a hormone which goes to the brain and tells the brain you are full. unfortunately it takes 15 minutes for you to realize that you are no longer hungry. you can do a lot of damage in 15 minutes of eating until you physiologically realize that you are full.

my daughter never overeats. she eats until she feels full then she stops. but she eats so slowly (read over 2-3 hours) that she can feel the fullness before she overeats. another reason i think to eat slowly, savor your food and give your body a chance to tell you that you are full.

well that's my major service announcement for today.


I can't fit said...


and we appreciate your service announcement very much.

Normally I do eat slowly and in fact had eaten dinner slowly but for some reason I ate the piece of pie when I wasn't even hungry and didn't realize it until afterwards. Don't worry, the rest of the pie went into the trash.

I'm thinking I should just enact a rule that if I want something sweet late at night then I have to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes first - a punishment and reward option because we all know that I'm really a 13 yr old pre-pubescent little girl.